

This annex lists the changes from version to version of the file exchange format together with major changes in the overall document. Non-backward compatible changes (nc) are marked as such.

Changes V3.1 vs. V3.0.1

Major Changes:

  • CHANGE: aasx/data.<extension> is only a recommendation (change from shall to should) (#10)

  • CHANGE: support both relationship paths: (as specified and recommended) and (deprecated) (#2)

  • CHANGE: Terms and Definitions adopted to IEC 63278-1:2023 (before IEC 63278-1 Draft July 2022 was the basis), (#365) also abbreviations partly adopted; changes:

    • changed: asset

    • changed: digital representation (example only)

    • changed: Submodel

  • Transfer from .docx to asciidoc (.adoc) and maintenance in GitHub

Minor Changes:

  • editorial changes

Changes V3.0.1 vs. V3.0

Major Changes:

  • CHANGE: aasx/data.<extension> is only a recommendation (change from shall to should) (#10)

  • CHANGE: support both relationship paths: (as specified and recommended) and (deprecated) (#2)

Changes Part 5 V3.0 vs. Part 1 V2.0.1

Major changes:

  • CHANGE: document Part 1 split into several separate documents: Part 1 on the metamodel of the AAS, Part 5 on the aasx package exchange format (this document), and others

  • CHANGE: simplified, only one data file (but in different formats, if needed, e.g. data.xml and data.json) and 0..* supplementary files (as referenced in the data file) allowed; one data file may contain several Asset Administration Shells

  • CHANGE: splitting of an Asset Administration Shell is no longer allowed (i.e. relationship type aas-spec-split removed)

  • CHANGE: predefined recommended name "data" for the data file (aasx/aas-spec); the suffix "aas." (i.e. data.aas.xml) is no longer required (now just data.xml) because splitting of files is no longer allowed

  • CHANGE: clause on digital signatures shortened; description of how to sign and what to consider when signing AASX files or content no longer available

Minor changes:

  • Update xml examples to follow new version of xml schema